Terms and Conditions

Kornati National Park Ticket Sales Terms and Conditions

Tickets for Kornati National Park (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Park’) can be purchased through the KORNATI NATIONAL PARK PUBLIC INSTITUTION’s webshop (hereinafter: webshop) under the terms and conditions of the Electronic Ticket Distribution and Sales Contract with RAO d.o.o.

In addition to Kornati National Park Ticket Sales Terms and Conditions, ticketing services are also subject to the KORNATI NATIONAL PARK PUBLIC INSTITUTION’s Privacy Policy. (http://www.np-kornati.hr/hr/o-nama/zastita-osobnih-podataka)

Ticket types

Through the webshop visitors can purchase standard types of tickets and ticket prices are stated on the price lists published by the Park.

The visitor selects the desired type and number of tickets at the time of online purchase.

The use of tickets sold through the webshop is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Park Ticket Use and the type of the ticket is determined by the date of visit (http://www.np-kornati.hr/hr/turizam/informacije-o-ulaznicama)


The invoice for the ticket bought is issued as a separate receipt.

The invoice and the ticket(s) will be sent to the visotor’s registered email address.

If the visitor needs a R1 invoice receipt all required data must be completed prior to order confirmation and payment. The visitor is liable for the accuracy of all the data submitted when making a purchase. Subsequent changes cannot be made.

Print@home tickets – collecting and use

Print@home is a ticket printing service for the tickets purchased online (Print@home ticket).

Each Print@home ticket has a unique 1D barcode.

Each Print@home ticket is printed separately and has a unique 1D barcode.

On completing the purchase, the visitor must have the purchased Print@home ticket printed and be in possession of the ticket for admission to the Park. If the visitor cannot have the Print@home ticket printed, it can be presented via a smartphone.

Subsequent printing of Print@home tickets at the Park’s points of sale is not possible.

At the time of arrival at the Park the visitor has to present the ticket to the employee in charge of admission to the Park, so that the Print@home ticket can be checked and punched.

Any copying, distribution, transfer, publishing or modifying of Print@home tickets is strictly prohibited!

If a duplicate of a Print@home ticket appears, the first person who presents the Print@home ticket to the Park employee in charge of checking the ticket will be presumed to have a valid ticked and be allowed to enter the Park.

The visitor is responsible for printing and using the Print@home ticket that will be sent to the registered email address upon completion of the online purchase through the webshop.

The Park and RAO d.o.o. will not be liable for any duplicate Print@home ticket(s) or any misuse of the issued, paid and delivered Print@home ticket(s).

For any additional information about the Park (opening hours, sights and attractions, events, etc.) and about the types and use of tickets the visitor is invited to visit the Park’s website (www.np-kornati.hr).

Changing or cancelling tickets

Each and every consumer has the option to terminate a contract if the contract was made outside the official business facilities or if the duration of the contract is no longer than fourteen (14) days. If the provider has failed to inform the consumer of his right to a unilateral termination of the contract, the right of the consumer to a unilateral termination of the contract expires after the period of twelve (12) months following the expiration of the fourteen (14) days period.

Every Print@home ticket purchased through the webshop becomes valid after the purchase has been completed, i.e. after the Purchase Confirmation and the invoice have been sent to the ticket holder (the ticket is valid from the date shown on the ticket, as selected by the visitor).

Unused Print@home ticket cannot be returned or refunded. Tickets cannot be cancelled.

The ticket is purchased for the exact date of visit to the Park but not later than by 10 a.m. on the date of visit.

If a visit to the Park is delayed due to extraordinary circumstances, the visitor may change the date of visit. That option is available once during a season and can be used by sending a request to change the date to ulaznice@np-kornati.hr not later than the day before the originally planned date of visit by 12:00 noon (e.g. a ticket was purchased for 20 July, 2020 and the new date of visit is 25 July, 2020. The email with the request to change the date must be sent not later than by 12:00 noon on 19 July, 2020).

If a preseason date of visit is postponed until peak season, i.e. if the original date of visit was in peak season and the new date is during the off season, there will be no refund.

Enquiries, objections and complaints

Any enquiry or request for additional information about THE KORNATI NATIONAL PARK PUBLIC INSTITUTION webshop can be emailed at: kornati@np-kornati.hr or ulaznice@np-kornati.hr

Any enquiry, objection or complaint about the use of tickets can be submitted as described on the Park’s website.

For any enquiry, objection or complaint about the webshop and ticket payments please contact us by:

mail addressed to: Butina 2, 22243 Murter, Hrvatska (Croatia)

phone at: +385 22 435 740

email at: kornati@np-kornati.hr

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